Slideshow Help

Slide-frame entry format:
slide[n++]=" ImageName | Caption | Comment | Date | Duration | Start | Transition | PanZoom ";

Note: There are 8 entry fields separated by vertical bar("|").
Only the first column (image file name, with location if image file is on the other place) is necessary, and the other entries are optional.
If first column is blank, empty(dark color) frame will be displayed. First and last frame are generally used for 'Credit' frame,
and used for text only frame with this style.

Text format:
slide[n++]=" ImageName | Caption | Comment | Date | Duration | Start | Transition | PanZoom ";
DisplayTextString[; Location[; Effect[; Color]]]>

Note: DisplayText (Caption/Comment/Date) can not have character(s) ( , ; " ' | < >) .
But, as HTML tag inside the text is possible to imbed, which always have pair of '<' and '>', there is no restriction though.
Advanced user can use the HTML tag(s) embeded inside the text, so that user can have more control than provided Effect and Color

Transition entry:
slide[n++]="ImageName | Caption | Comment | Date | Duration | Start | Transition | PanZoom";

Pan & Zoom & Scroll entry:
slide[n++]="ImageName | Caption | Comment | Date | Duration | Start | Transition | PanZoom";

Template HTML file and slideshow.js update history file:
The slideshow template file is HERE.
Slideshow.js library update history file is HERE.

© Kisozaemon 2010, All rights reserved.  Last update: