Wild bird![]() Summer 2002, the story of Bulbul making nest on our garden's tree. On summer 2002, a couple of Brown-eared bulbul came to our home's garden. I gave them the food, such as bread, cheese. When I tossed a piece of food, they caught it on the fly. If they couldn't see me while they visited, they were just hovering on the window side and asking food with making sound 'pee~ pee~'. There are two ways of jumping catch. One is to catch food waiting while hovering, other is to catch food waiting on the branch of the tree and watching my throwing motion, then catch on the fly. They never let the food fall down on the earth.
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![]() Three young birds fledged. Please visit my house again any time, and learn the 'jumping catch' from their parent.
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![]() September, 2007. The story of the Oriental turtle dove's making nest on our pine tree. In summer, 2007. A pair of dove start makin nest. On the same pine tree which the Brown-eared bulbul made a nest a couple of years ago, this time, the Oriental turtle dove is making nest. The story conitues.
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![]() January, 2023. I've not seeing wild birds making nest in my garden quite some time these days. Because of the frequent pruning of my garden's trees, the bird may not find the trees are good enough to make nest. To invite the birds in my garden again, I decided to make bird house, feeding station and water place nearby trees and expecting to call again.
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